Bemm fire break must be started
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Bemm fire break must be started

The non-commencement of work on the strategic fire break announced for Sydenham Inlet Road two years ago has been raised in State Parliament.

Gippsland East Nationals MP, Tim Bull, has asked the Minister for Environment, Ingrid Stitt, to explain why the fire break has not been started and also sought a completion date.

“Here we are months away from another summer and we still have inaction and work needs to be done before this summer because, as we are aware, this is the one road in and out of Bemm River.”

Mr Bull told Parliament the fire break also needed to be completed to a standard that keeps the roads open, as we saw the impacts of not doing this in the 2019/20 fire event that cut off Mallacoota and Cann River for weeks, resulting in shortages of essential items.

“My concern is the diagram on the Department website suggests only four metres on either side of the road will be cleared, so if a tree 15 metres in height is situated four metres off the road and falls, it will close the road. This is hopeless.

“Roadside clearing for a strategic fire break should be a tree length either side of the road, especially when there is only one road in and out of these communities like Bemm River.”

Mr Bull said if the Department is only going to play with four metres either side of the road, it will have no real impact on keeping the road open in the event of a fire and would be another example of not putting community safety first.

“Minister, it is time to get on with the job and also complete the work to the required level,” he said.

Caption: Gippsland East Nationals MP, Tim Bull, is calling for work to commence on the promised Sydenham Inlet Road fire break and also for the work to be completed to a level that ensures the road remains open in the event of a fire.

Monday, 3 July 2023