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Flexibility needed for border communities
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Flexibility needed for border communities

With the NSW State Government tightening the criteria for border crossings from midnight Tuesday, Gippsland East Nationals MP, Tim Bull has sought special exemptions for remote communities along the Black Allen line.
“All existing permits will now expire at midnight Tuesday 21 July and people now have to apply for new permits, provided they are in a new ‘border zone’,” said Mr Bull.
“Even if you are in this new zone, the reasons for travel are restricted to work, education and health treatment or supplies. Shopping is no longer a permitted reason.
“What I am seeking is flexibility on two fronts,” said Mr Bull.
1. To be eligible for a permit you have to live in a designated ‘border zone’. I have asked for flexibility and while Bendoc has been included, Bonang, Tubbut and Dellicknora have not. All of those smaller border communities should be included in the ‘border zone’.
2. Shopping has been removed as a reason to travel across the border, even if you are in a ‘border zone’. Residents in these communities have a relatively short drive into Delegate, or a three-hour round trip to Orbost. They should be permitted to shop in the local area over the border for the basic essentials.
“What I am asking is for commonsense to prevail and for these border communities to be provided with a rational and reasonable outcome.
“Time and again government approaches of one rule for all simply do not work and such regulations need to be looked at on a case by case basis to get the right result.”
Mr Bull said those in remote communities could check if they were in a ‘border zone’ by typing their address into the link below: